Thursday, August 28, 2014

Managing Monsters


What's crazier than a mom that works full time with a Two Year Old and a One Year Old???

A full time working mom with a blog.

Hi!  I'm Crazy and Welcome to Managing Monsters.

Don't ask me why I'm going through with this...because I probably wont be able to answer that in a way that makes any sense to anyone but myself.  But I am.

So this little blog will be a bunch of random.  Random Crafts.  Random DIY.  Random Cooking.  Random Parties.  Random Mommy stuff.  Random Life.

This isn't my first blog.  I had one before the babies started coming.  A little place I liked to call Crafty Kate

I LOVED that little place!  But you know what a new Mommy loves more?  Sleep.  So I had to give it up. 

Now, yet ANOTHER baby later, and I'm ready to give it another go. 

This blog will be different.

Less "professional".  (Not that Crafty Kate was all that professional).  More...Random.  Cause really, who's got time to make this thing perfect?  Not this Momma!

We'll get to know each other a bit more as time goes by.  But for now I just wanted to say hi. 


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