Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Potty Training 101

This is my first go at potty training.  Can I just say, I’m not sure what all the fuss is about!  I mean, it’s just a little pee!

A little pee on chairs, on floors, on rugs, on carpets, on beds, on couches, on Frozen and Elmo undies, but most importantly, in toilets!

I am very proud to announce that I am about 95% positive that I have successfully potty trained Miss Monster! 

I couldn’t have done it without this little gem of an e-book.


This plan is all about sticking by your toddler’s side while you both learn the signs of when she has to go potty.  And can I just say; that as exhausting as it is following around a 2 year old for 3 whole days, I actually hung out with  my baby girl (sorry…big girl!) for 3 whole days!  I don’t think I’ve spent that much quality time with her since I was on maternity leave.  And I have to say.  She’s pretty cool!

This clearance table cloth was also pretty important.  (please note…this is NOT a cheapo dollar store table cloth.  That one turned out to be quite the opposite of helpful…)

One last thing.  I have no tips or tricks about Hand Foot and Mouth disease.  Because my son did not get one rash or sore on his hand, foot, or mouth.  So either he was misdiagnosed, or God wanted me to focus on the potty training.  Either way.  I’m back to having a happy Little Monster.

Please note.  I was not paid to post this article or review this book.  However, I did set up an Amazon affiliate link for the book.  I mean, why not make a few pennies recommending such an amazing book!  Right?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Doctors and Decisions

Ever have one of THOSE days?  Well I just had one today. 

Let's just say, it started out bad. Had a nice 2 hours and then boom. I got one of those dreaded day care calls. (Don't worry teachers, I love ya).  

Little Monster had a rash. 

Add that rash to the fever he had a couple days ago, the pulling on his ear, and (this was the kicker) shots a week ago. Yep, time for a lovely trip to the doctor. 

Now don't get me wrong. I like my kid's pediatrician. But nothing spoils a Friday like sitting in a crowded waiting room with snotty nosed kids.  (My own being one of them...)

Oh yeah, and I still needed to activate my HSA debit card. Nothing like some good ole procrastination. It's only August. 

So it's an ear infection and hand food and mouth disease. Also known as, mommas not getting any sleep over the long weekend disease. If you find a holistic cure for that, let me know. 

Anywho. I spent an extremely large portion of my afternoon pinteresting remedies for the lovely HFMD.  There are a ton out there. I'll let you know if any of them work.  

For now, I'll leave you with my current view. 

Crap, guess that means I have to get up.

Oh, and as for the decisions part, we decided to start potty training Miss Monster over the three day weekend. What can I say, we like a challenge. 

Hope you have a fantastic Labor Day weekend!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Little Monster's 1st Birthday

I LOVE to plan parties.  I love the rush of creativity, the organizing of food, the crafting of decorations.  

I love the idea that I can create something as wonderful as you see all over Pinterest.  

But let's get real folks.  The wonders of Pinterest just don't really happen to all us norms. 

Want to know what a REAL 1st birthday looks like?  One thrown by a momma with 2 small children literally trying to crawl up her legs?  

It looks like this...

I've been holding onto this tissue box for the entire year!

I've had the Pinterest board going since Little Monster was still in utero. So the amount of things I wanted to do and the amount of things that actually happened are quite different!

Nothing in the post is even remotely difficult. So I'll spare you a tutorial on how to cut a monster out of paper or how to glue on eye balls. 

In the end, the only thing that really matters is this guy. 

Love my Little Monster!

Managing Monsters


What's crazier than a mom that works full time with a Two Year Old and a One Year Old???

A full time working mom with a blog.

Hi!  I'm Crazy and Welcome to Managing Monsters.

Don't ask me why I'm going through with this...because I probably wont be able to answer that in a way that makes any sense to anyone but myself.  But I am.

So this little blog will be a bunch of random.  Random Crafts.  Random DIY.  Random Cooking.  Random Parties.  Random Mommy stuff.  Random Life.

This isn't my first blog.  I had one before the babies started coming.  A little place I liked to call Crafty Kate

I LOVED that little place!  But you know what a new Mommy loves more?  Sleep.  So I had to give it up. 

Now, yet ANOTHER baby later, and I'm ready to give it another go. 

This blog will be different.

Less "professional".  (Not that Crafty Kate was all that professional).  More...Random.  Cause really, who's got time to make this thing perfect?  Not this Momma!

We'll get to know each other a bit more as time goes by.  But for now I just wanted to say hi. 
